Find Your Audience
February 2014 Little Merry FellowsFind Your Audience I’ve talked about how to make your content as accessible as possible for readers and how to make it easily sharable, but now I’d like to talk about how you find those readers in the first place. It takes a little more leg-work if the goal is to get your content into as many hands as possible. How to Find an Audience Yes, the people who follow you on social media are an audience, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look for more. Here are two ideas you might want to consider: 1. Find a Niche Community - What is a niche community? It’s a community dedicated to your particular niche. Are you a florist? Find a flower lovers Facebook group or an online forum. Whatever your business, there are people online who love it and talk about it. Find them. 2. Guest Bloggers - Nothing spices up a blog more than a guest blogger. It helps if this is a recognizable name from your industry, but even if it’s [...]