Gibson Holders: Your Source for Display Accessories
Here at FGmarket we often highlight products for you to buy at wholesale prices and sell to your customers at retail. As you read these articles, you ask yourself, "Is this something my customers would need and buy? Would it perform well in my market?" Well, you can sit back and relax today, as those questions are not going to be necessary. This spotlight isn't about your need to purchase something that your customers will like. For this article, you only have to be concerned with YOUR needs! Retail Fixtures Acrylic Displays, Wire Holders and More! As anyone who has ever worked in retail knows, increasing sales for a particular item is often directly related to its visibility to the customer. Often this is accomplished by creating displays of the item around or near the register, on endcaps, or on stand-alone tables in the middle of wide aisles. There is one thing that each of these display options require to be successful, display holders! Whether you're [...]