Don’t Give Up
When it comes to your store, you are faced with many challenges and problems that arise. It happens to everyone. Therefore, it's all about how you overcome and pick yourself up. How do you handle the challenges that you are faced with? Do you already have a plan in action to take care of it or do you just deal with them as they occur? Also, do you make note of how you overcame the situation? Here is a great quote that you may look towards when your next challenge arises. Seth Godin - Two things you might take away from this: First, there's solace in finding someone who has done it before, whatever "it" is you're trying to do. Knowing that it's possible and studying how it was done can't help but increase the chances you'll stick it out. Second: huge value accrues to the few able to actually do a thing for the very first time. The next time you face a problem, remember that this won't be your only one that you will face and it's all about you handle it the best [...]