Marketing Tip of the Week: The Importance of Mobile
If you run a business, then it's past time to jump on the mobile bandwagon. For a while it was possible to sit back and say, "Mobile is a fad. There's no future in it." But that time is long passed. Mobile is here to stay folks. Smart phones are just getting smarter. Desktops are becoming more and more rare in both the business and consumer world as laptops, tablets and phones become the norm. People are doing more with their phones today than they were able to do at a desk with a state-of-the-art PC 10 years ago. People are no longer chained to their desks. The line of demarcation between mobile and full-size is thinning, and it's only going to get thinner. Mobile Responsive Marketing Tip Two small, seemingly unobtrusive words with a world of meaning. Mobile responsive refers to a webpage's ability to be easily viewed on a mobile device. Without it, a customer attempting to read your site on her phone is forced to constantly zoom in and out to read [...]