Matthews Hamper House: The “Right” Packaging
We are often told, "Don't judge a book by its cover," but in spite of that sage advice, the item with the best packaging always seems to sell the most quickly. As much as we want to believe the individuals who buy our meticulously crafted products are better than that, more discerning, the truth is that we live in a society where everyone runs about in a terrible rush. Knit Bag Customers don't always have time to determine what differentiates one item from another, or all the work that went in to making this product better than that one. Instead, they grab the first container that catches their eye and off they go! It's just another reality that shapes the world in which we live. But seeing the truth, understanding how the system works, is the first step in making it work for you! The Right Container It's not enough to have just any packaging, it's got to be the right packaging. You wouldn't put a deli sandwich in a cardboard shipping tube would you? Of [...]