Marketing Tip of the Week: Christmas is Coming …
Every day brings us closer to Christmas, and those final few days are some of the busiest of the year! How do you ensure you're getting the lion's share of that holiday business? In short, advertise! I wrote last week about the importance of customer service during this busy time, but that occurs once the customers have already walked through your door. Today, we will discuss how to increase that front door flow so you have the opportunity to show them your top-notch customer service! Know Your Market In order to successfully advertise for the holiday, you have to know what your customers are most likely to buy this time of year. Are you a gift shop? Christmas-themed items are probably your bread and butter. Understanding that allows you to seed your marketing campaign with items that will interest your customer base. Don't waste your advertising space on items which are less likely to get customers through your door. If you have some different stock that [...]