Marketing Tip of the Week: The Devil is in the Details
You've done it all. You write excellent and engaging content on your website, and you use Twitter and Facebook like a pro, but you're still not seeing the traffic numbers you expect. What's wrong? Quite possibly, nothing at all. You may be doing absolutely everything right and still not seeing the returns you want. What is there left to do? Short of revising your strategy or lowering your expectations, the easiest potential solution is to simply revisit your methods. See if there are ways you can streamline various aspects to make it easier for customers to find you. As with anything in life, the devil is in the details. Check Your Signature Marketing Tip There are so many places online where you have the opportunity to customize a signature. Be it comments on a blog, forum or just your own email, you should never squander an opportunity to advertise your page. Place a link in any signature you have the chance to use, but don't just leave it sitting there [...]