Marketing Tip Of The Week – Difficult Customers
There are many situations that can arise in your store and will definitely happen at least once. What are those situations? One that comes to mind is dealing with difficult customers. Yes, you will more than likely deal with one on some type of level and it may be for no reason at all or they have a good reason to be difficult. The most important thing is how you handle the situation. There are many scenarios, but if you handle it just right, the customer will be appreciative and still come back to your store. This week's tip is how to deal with difficult customers. Listen - Listen to your customer's problem. What are they dealing with and why are they agitated with the situation? Listen, that's all you need to do. Don't interrupt them right then, they want their problem heard and taken seriously. When it's your turn, restate the problem so that they know you were listening and you got every detail right so you know exactly how to handle the situation. They'll [...]