Marketing Tip of the Week – E-Marketing
Online marketing is huge now. This is how people interact, do their research, and even find out about your business. It's essential that e-marketing is done to promote yourself and build relationships. So, FGmarket has a few tips on e-marketing this week. Marketing Tip Businesses can no longer blast their customers with identical emails that are the same boring things over and over again. You must make it compelling and draw customers' attention. When is the best time to send your emails and what catches their eye? In order to find this out, do your research and pulling from your data resources. How do you gather data from your resources? Start with your store. Do you ask customers for their emails or collect login information from your website? Track conversions and traffic to your site as well. You can learn a lot about your customer's behaviors. You can research what they're looking for and create emails tailored to their specific needs. For example, if [...]