Marketing Tip of the Week – Easy Everyday Marketing
Every store needs to have some sort of marketing strategy incorporated into their store. They also need a marketing plan to follow throughout the year and even one to follow everyday. However, that may seem time-consuming and a lot of work when you have a million other things going on. Well, this week's marketing tip of the week feature easy everyday marketing strategies that you can incorporate into your store. This week's marketing tip is all about keeping it simple. You can implement marketing strategies into your store that are with you everyday. Developing a marketing strategy at the beginning of the year is greatly beneficial. You won't have to stress about what to do when you have everything laid out in front of you. So, what are these easy marketing ideas to carry out into your store that will be with you everyday? Here are a few ideas to get you started. Shop's Name - One of the most important things that sets your store apart from the rest is your [...]