Marketing Tip of the Week – Engage Your Twitter Followers
Twitter isn't about gaining the most followers that you can. Most of your followers will never actually have any involvement with your brand. And, companies never actually engage with their followers to add value. How do you make the most with Twitter? FGmarket's marketing tip will focus on turning your followers into customers. Marketing Tip Engage Your Followers - Instead of focusing on how many you actually have, start giving your followers engagement. You want quality followers instead of quantity; the ones that will follow you back. You are targeting your target market on Twitter. Give Them Something to Read - Establish your brand through your tweets. Make sure you tweet valuable content to your customers about your business. Tell them about exciting updates or ongoing sales in your store. Give them something that will attain their attention. Respond Promptly to Your Followers - You want to show your customers that you care about them. They may give [...]