Marketing Tip of the Week: Pinterest and B2B’s
Pinterest is often viewed as a B2C (business to consumer) format. It's true that the platform allows for many options in that arena, but it is in no way restricted to it. Pinterest can be just as effective for B2B (business to business) companies, and I want to lay out a few tips illustrating why and how you should be using it! Go to Your Clients Marketing Tip There's no doubt that Pinterest is an excellent B2C tool, and one of the most compelling things about it is that often consumers search out the businesses! They see a compelling photo? They pin it. They find a tasty-looking recipe? They pin it. They find a gorgeous hand-knit cardigan? They pin it! Because of that, businesses who market to consumers are flocking to Pinterest. And if those companies are establishing a presence on Pinterest, shouldn't you, as a marketer to those companies, also be establishing a presence? Marketing 101, go to where your clients live! Direct Traffic to Your Content [...]