Marketing Tip of the Week – Preparing for the New Year
It's a new year and now is the time to start prepping for it, especially if you haven't already. What products do you plan to feature and what is your new marketing plan? These are all things you need to think about, on top of a million other things. This week's marketing tip will focus on a few tips that will help you prepare for a brand new year. Online Marketing marketing tip Get active on social media - This isn't difficult to do. It's pretty simple and you can easily gain exposure. Start blogging - Blogging is a great way to get your company name out there and to gain new customers. People can learn more about you and actually develop a relationship with you. It doesn't have to be just about your business, make it interesting by adding a few tips and ideas on how to use you products or industry related news. Offline Marketing Of course, customers don't necessarily trust you 100% when you rave about how amazing a product is, since you're the one [...]