Marketing Tip of the Week – Promote, Don’t Brag
Do you ever find yourself promoting your business, and you feel like you're bragging? However, there are ways to promote your business without sounding like you're going on and on about yourself. There is a difference. This weeks marketing tip will focus on promoting and not bragging. Writing Articles - Put your knowledge down on paper and share it with publications. People will not take this as bragging at all. They are interested in seeing what you do, what you have to offer and how you can actually help them. They expect you to be knowledgeable within your field. It's a way to let people know your unique talents. You can easily submit these articles to websites or local publications. Publicly Speaking - If you appear as a speaker, you definitely seem to be a professional. When speaking, you can talk about what you offer and the services you offer. People will look towards you as a professional and knowledgeable in your business. Find a local conference or [...]