Marketing Tip of the Week: Question Your Marketing Strategy
The best marketing strategy is a flexible marketing strategy. It's great to have a tried and true methodology, (such an approach makes a wonderful jumping off point for your strategy) but on a dynamic marketing landscape, a truly successful strategy will be able to roll with the punches. The saying goes, "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten," (thanks Tony Robbins) but that's only true if the circumstances around you haven't changed. With marketing, as with business, the circumstances are always changing. Change is Good Look at each aspect of your marketing strategy and ask yourself: Does this still work? - Things that were successful last year may go over like a lead balloon this year. Be mindful of how your strategies are received and the results you see from them. How can I make this work better? - Sometimes it's not necessary to scrap an entire idea. Perhaps a little tweaking is all that's needed. Would a different [...]