Marketing Tip of the Week: Refining Content and Increasing Views
Quality online content is the easiest and cheapest way to grow your business. Converting "Them" to "Us" Marketing Tip If there is one universal truth, it is that people like to be included. If there's a club, they want to be part of it. Everyone wants to run with the "in crowd". When you share what is happening with your business, you bring your customers into the fold. You are, in essence, creating a club that they are part of simply by following your blog, Facebook page or Twitter. Sharing information with your customer allows them take ownership in your success. It ceases being "your" business and starts to become "our" business. This is something that local shops have been doing for years, but the internet allows even wholesalers to court customer buy-in. Share and Share Alike So now that you've written this creative and engaging content, how do you get it to your customer? Through social media of course! When you've completed that new blog post, your [...]