Marketing Tip of the Week – How to Sell to Different Types of Customers
Many people walk in and out of your store everyday. They come in looking for various reasons and have their own way of shopping. Not everyone shops the same, and this is a must to understand. It will dictate how you approach and sell to them. What type of customers are out there? FGmarket has a few different types of consumers and how you can sell to them. marketing tip Seasonal Consumers - These types of customers purchase items on a seasonal basis. You'll find that they purchase items that are seasonal, a specific time, instead of coming in throughout the year for specific products. For example, they may come in for an umbrella when it's rainy, buying cold drinks during hot weather, or purchasing items during holiday seasons. Be sure to stay in contact with them and keep them updated on your new products. If they see something that peaks their interest, they may become lifetime customers. Personal Customers - These customers purchase items for their [...]