Marketing Tip Of The Week – Starting 2012 Off Right
The new year is upon us and a brand new year for your store. It's time to learn from past mistakes and start implementing new ways to improve for this new year. It's a great time to start new ideas to see if they will work for your store or not. The way to start off is with a bang, and FGmarket's marketing tip of the week will give you a few tips on how to do just that. Plan Ahead Of Time - Don't just wing it, start planning early. Sit down and take out a piece of paper and write down your goals for 2012. What do you want to achieve during this year and what do you want to avoid? Having written goals will help you stay on track and keep focused. Once you have your plans written out, develop a business plan to help you carry through and achieve your goals. How can you carry through with the goals that you want to achieve? Once you answer that question, you can start executing your plan. Surround Yourself With The Right Crowd - It's the beginning of the new year [...]