Some Illuminating Thoughts on Candles
It appears that the market for candles has never been hotter!(pun intended) Candle sales have really taken off, as consumers, driven by their nesting instincts, seek to create warm, cozy and relaxing environments at home; and the trend continues to grow. Choices in candles have never been greater, as candle manufacturers, both large and small, continue to introduce new styles, colors, and fragrances. Scented candles are an especially hot category, and they're available in every form, including votives, pillars, container candles, soy candles, gel candles, and more. Besides their popularity as accents to home decor, candles are used to generate aromatherapy, symbolize celebration, mark ceremony, and enhance romance. From moderately-priced versions to far more elaborate styles, candles are a perfect gift. Let's examine some of the candle options that are out there. As we've said, scented candles lead the way in sales and popularity, and candle-makers are [...]