Start Playing Up Your Store
When you think of what to carry in your store, remember to take all your customers into consideration. Consider all ages, demographics and their tastes in products. That even means the kids that come into your store. They have say-so in the purchases that your customers make. Especially when they are wandering around waiting on their parents and they see something that catches their eye, they will want their parents to buy that item. However, what catches kid's interest? FGmarket is here with our top picks in toys! These picks will definitely be a hit in your store among your younger customers. What little girl doesn't love to play dress up? Most little girls do and will be attracted to a tutu in an instant. Their parents will absolutely need to buy this for their child. Not only will it keep them entertained for hours and throughout their childhood, it is a popular trend to have pictures made in these tutus. Fairy Finery offers various fairy costumes [...]