Be on Trend with 2012’s Fall Colors
When purchasing items for your store, you must be on trend. You should always check the forecast for what will be on trend within each season. Fall is coming up so you should be looking at what to purchase for your store, if you haven't done so already. Trends that are ever-changing with each season are colors. So, what's popular this fall? Pantone released their 2012 fall colors, so start with following these color trends for your store. This years fall color trends feature French Roast, Honey Gold, Pink Flambe, Tangerine Tango, Ultramarine Green, Bright Chartreuse, Olympian Blue, Titanium, Rhapsody and Rose Smoke. So, have you found products that feature these colors? You can feature these great colors in almost everything that you feature in your store. This also might make for fun displays. For example, find products in your store that feature the French Roast color and all the items that will compliment that color. You can pick your top 5 favorite colors [...]