Visual Solutions for Parenting
To say that caring for young children involves constant challenges is quite the understatement. With potty training, good behavior, and chores to teach and supervise, establishing lifelong habits can be a daunting task. The two "Mompreneurs," Jennifer Edmundson and Jennifer Kent, put their efforts of helping their own children grow into a nationwide company that provides durable, high-quality products to make parenting easier. Kenson Kids offers parenting and teaching aids that establish and reinforce routines through the use of visual and tactile stimuli. Such products include the award-winning "I can do it" Reward Chart, Token Boards, ID bands, and games to create good habits. Visual reminders are not only for kids—they're also helpful for supervising adults who need to constantly monitor tasks and behaviors. Children thrive on structure and routine, so parents of children with special needs, such as Autism and ADHD, find incentive and chore charts [...]