The Wholesaler’s Guide To Essential Oils
Essential Oils Have Many Uses What are essential oils? "Essential oils" are the oils naturally formed in plants which contain the plant's distinctive fragrance or essence -hence "essential" oil. Where do essential oils come from? Essential oils are usually formed through a process called distillation. Here the plant is placed on a screen and steam is forced through the plant. Then the mixture is cooled until it condenses. Essential oils are hydrophobic liquids (resist water) so they are easily separated at this point, bottled and sold. How do people use wholesale essential oils? What are wholesale essential oils for? Essential oils are used for many reasons. Many essential oils are used to add a distinct flavor to food. Almond oil, coconut oil, olive oil, sunflower seed oil, grapefruit oil, oil of thyme, peppermint oil and others are used for this purpose. Each of these oils maintains the unique, distinctive flavor and/or smell of the plant and brings this [...]