Whether you played with Barbie or G.I. Joe as a child doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Celebrate in Pink LLC makes it fun and easy for everyone (women and men) to support breast cancer awareness and research. Celebrate in Pink LLC is known for their “distinctive pink ribbon celebrationware” — in other words, pink ribbon themed paper tableware and paper napkins. What a great idea!

Every little bit helps which is why breast cancer awareness products from Celebrate in Pink are so important. Whether you mean to or not, eating from a Celebrate in Pink paper plate triggers awareness of the design and makes the eater delve further into the possibilities of the “celebrate in pink” mantra around the rim.
Cause awareness is something on everyone’s mind. In support of victims and survivors, breast cancer awareness dinners and fundraisers are hosted year-round in all parts of the nation. When it’s time to eat, go the extra mile with breast cancer awareness tableware.
It’s not cheesy. It’s not pushing the limits. It’s not overdoing it. It’s doing exactly what needs to be done to make people realize how important breast cancer research is to finding a cure. It’s a step in the right direction. It’s the simplest, easiest way to get people thinking about about a cause dear to millions. It’s absolutely the best product you’ll ever have on the shelves; the most profoundly important product you’ll ever have in your hands.
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