Ever looking for just the right accessory to go along with gifts? Yes, you must find the right wrapping paper and bow, but what about greeting cards? Cards help say what people can’t. Some have a hard time with words. Looking for a company that does just that? Fantus Paper Products ~ Division of PS Greetings provides beautiful greeting cards and stationery that are a necessity for your store.
Sending a greeting cards means sending a representation of one’s self. Your customers spend time picking out the message and personalizing it.Fantus Paper Products goal is to creating greetings that help represent your customers.
They are a company with over 60 years of industry experience and has strongly defined itself by maintaining a strong presence with competitively priced creative items.
What type of greeting cards will you find? Everyday boxed assortment cards, jumbo cards, enclosure cards, and Christmas cards are what your customers will find that are great for all occasions.
Find all sorts of designs that include beautiful floral designs, outdoor scenery, birthday cakes, and festive holiday designs. No matter what the occasion, this company has amazing designs with the right words to help your customers say what they need to say.
All your customers need to do is find the perfect gift for that special occasion to make the complete pairing. A gift always needs the right greeting card.Not only do they offer great greeting cards, also feature magnetic note pads, note cards, thank you cards, and even kid’s activity pads. Note pads and activity pads are great for everyday use, while their thank you cards are beautiful stationery to send to really say thank you.
Greeting cards are a must for every store. So, choose Fantus Paper Products ~ Division of PS Greetings to help your customers say exactly what needs to be said.
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